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Adrianne - dance and investment counseling

Positions Held: Upper management at ENRON, BECHTEL and HALLIBURTON

Aliases: Beelzebub, Satan, Mephistopheles

Skills: Soul acquisition and damnation, marriage counseling via kitchen remodeling and mother-in-laws, creating topics for episodes of "Jerry Springer".

Consultant: The Bush family, Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, The Marquis DeSade, Hitler, Torquemada, Caligula, Pee-Wee Hermann, Napoleon, Mussolini, Ariel Sharon, Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein, the Bin Laden family, Michael Eisner, Ann Coulter, Darth Vader, and all those rotten little bastards that keep falsely accusing Michael Jackson and the Catholic Clergy.